Arhytmia - San Francisco band playing New Age, R&B and Soft Rock type of music.
Music - Vitaly Moskovkin
Lyrics - Marina Koorkoff
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Vitaly Mosk – music writer, lead vocal, guitar, synthesizer.
Russian born singer from St. Petersburg.
At age 6 began piano lessons and were influenced by the classical music only.
At 10 studied guitar and by age 15 started playing and singing in the several of local rock bands on open concert stages influenced by Pink Floyd, Queen, Deep Purple and ELO.
At 16 started to write his own music and songs, but never expected a career as a musician.
Graduated from Marine Academy. Served 3 years in Soviet Reconnaissance Special Forces.
At age 23 he was traumatized by his mother’s sudden death from cancer and following death the rest of the family.
Married and shortly after son Pavel was born he started sailing on the vessels as a radio officer. He visited almost every single country in Europe, Northern and Southern America until 1989, when settled down in the city of New York in Benson Hurst area.
From 1992 lives in San Francisco, California.
Виталий Московкин
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